Blog 8: Friday 23rd April 2010

I have decided to focus my attention on the refinery for the next couple of weeks. I plan to explore the different effects of light and atmosphere. I have all ready decided I prefer my photographs taken in the late light of dusk because of the long shadows and strong contrast it causes. The problem I need to overcome is the effect of low light on colour in my images.

These images have strong lines and contrast. I strengthened the colours in Photoshop to make them warmer. I like the oldness and liner pattern of the fence. I feel both these images rely greatly on the dramatic heavy sky. I have photographed this scene many times and I have come to realise the sky is a very important element.

These next two images are wide lens landscapes. both of these images were taken after the sun had set. The more purple image was taken one night when the sky was full of smoke from burning off. I couldn't resist going out and taking photographs that night because the sky was amazing. I have increased the contrast in both of these images to create a silhouette of the power station and to minimise the detail of the foreground.

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