Blog 10: Friday 7th May 2010

I thought I would take the car theme further and explore the aesthetic qualities of the freeway. On the way home from university I was inspired by the lines and forms created by the freeway’s bridges, white-lines and barriers. In this series I have taken photos from inside my car whilst driving. The extreme blues are from the blue of the car’s light filter at the top of the windscreen. I enjoy the strong colours, perspective and the forms created by the freeway.

This image is taken in a tunnel. The light seems to flood into the picture and set fire to the cars. This image reminds me of the movie The Terminator – because of the explosion of light and the ghastly power of the truck in the right of the composition. The truck is lit in such a way it seems menacing and indestructible. I had to Photoshop this image to get rid of the smudges caused by my windscreen.

This is my favourite freeway photograph. The composition is balanced perfectly into thirds of sky, freeway and car. The light that is reflected thought out the photo leads the eye and highlights points of interest. I like the pattern of the bridge railings leading into the distance and the perspective of the endless road ahead.

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